Natural Pest Control For The Garden

Natural Pest Control For The Garden

Gardening is a great way to relax and unwind, but dealing with pests can be frustrating. Fortunately, before you reach for the chemical sprays, there are many natural ways to control pests in your garden and these should always be your first port of call before trying a chemical solution. Here are some tips that may be helpful for gardening naturally:

  • Encourage beneficial wildlife: Beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies can help control pests in your garden. You can attract these insects by planting wildflowers and herbs like dill, fennel and marigolds. Other wildlife that loves to snack on pests are frogs, toads, hedgehogs and shrews all encouraged in by keeping some of the garden less strictly managed with cool and shaded spots to hide in.
  • Use fine mesh: Mesh can protect your plants from pests like caterpillars and beetles. They are made of lightweight fabric and allow water and sunlight to reach your plants while keeping pests out.
  • Practice crop rotation: Crop rotation involves planting different crops in different areas of your garden each year. This can help prevent the buildup of pests and diseases in the soil.
  • Use Nematodes: Nematodes are a biological killer of a variety of different insect pests and you will need to determine what type of problem you are trying to combat before you purchase the specific species of Nematode to treat it. They can fight off slugs, grubs and ants but as they are ordered through the post, the best time to order them for is spring and autumn when the pests are reproducing and still in their infancy period.
  • Companion planting: Certain plants can act as natural repellents for pests. For example, planting garlic and onions alongside your other crops can help to deter aphids, while planting marigolds can help to repel cabbage white butterflies.
  • DIY pest control: You can make your own natural pest control solutions using ingredients from your kitchen. For example, mixing minced garlic and chilli peppers with water and a few drops of washing up liquid can create a potent insect spray.
  • Handpicking: While it may not be the most appealing solution, sometimes the best way to control pests is to remove them by hand. Inspect your plants regularly and remove any pests you find, being careful not to harm any beneficial insects that may be present like ladybird larva.
  • Clean up debris: Pests love to hide in debris like fallen leaves and dead plant matter. Keeping your garden clean and tidy can help to reduce the number of pests waiting in the wings.
Image of a young ladybird larva who can help to stop aphid infestations.

By implementing these natural pest control methods, you can keep your garden healthy and thriving without relying on harmful chemicals. Remember, natural methods may take a little more effort, but they are safer for you, your garden, and the environment.