September at Bernaville

September is typically harvest month so we hope you are reaping some tasty crops from the garden or allotment as your fruit and vegetables will still be ripening up until the end of this warm weather! As the season turns, it’s also time to start planning for next year and get planting. Spring Bulbs, Christmas potatoes, winter veg and perennials all enjoy being planted in cooler and wetter times so make a plan and just go for it!

Tony’s top tip

Spring Bulbs and seeds are the things to be planting this month directly into the soil whilst it is still fairly warm out there!

Firstly, always plant your bulbs with mycorrhizal fungi as this is the perfect way to get the absolute best from your bulbs. The fungi is biologically active and it has been designed to promote strong healthy plants that you can enjoy year after year.

There are hundreds of bulb varieties to choose from but Bernaville Nurseries suggest creating a mixture of height and colour for maximum effect. Tulips, Iris and Crocus can all be planted in pots together with the ‘lasagna’ technique in layers of soil and topped off with some autumn flowering cyclamen or winter flowering violas to top it off.

Seeds can also been sown directly into the top layer…Cornflowers, Wildflowers, Poached egg plant and Poppies are all able to withstand the colder months and come back strong in the spring/early summer.

It really is that easy to get started, with not too much effort, for a burst of spring colour. It never fails to bring hope into the new year once those cheerful daffs push through the soil and start beaming up at us.

Gift Idea

Did you know that you can grow spring bulbs indoors as well as outdoors? Choose from a selection of stunning prepared pots or planters priced from just £7.99. Dwarf Narcissus, Hyacinth, Crocus and Iris varieties make the perfect Autumn gift and are available in store now.