Wild Bird Care
We stock everything you need to ensure that your garden is a haven for wild birds. Whether they’re looking for a place to nest or just want a safe and tasty snack – we have it all in stock, including bird tables, bird boxes, suet & fat balls, peanuts and seeds.
Large range of tables, feeders and nest boxes!

Peckish complete seed & nut mix (12.5kg + 20% free)
NOW £24.99
Peckish Complete Seed & Nut Mix is a unique blend that’s packed with energy & nutrition. Everything that a bird needs to fuel them for longer.

Peckish Natural Balance Energy Balls (50)
NOW £9.99
Naturally good inside and out, o Natural Balance range of food helps give birds the nutrients they need all year round. With our sustainable packaging helping to reduce the amount of plastics used, plus the added pleasure you get from feeding the birds, there is a lot to feel good about!
• High Energy
• 100% natural ingredients
• Attracts popular garden birds
• Sustainable packaging

Our wild bird food ranges include No More Mess, Rockin Robin, insect & seed blends, high energy blends, sunflower seeds & hearts, niger seed and mealworms.