What is the best thing to feed your plants?

What is the best thing to feed your plants?

All plants need Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) to bloom and produce tasty crops. As rain falls, the amount of trace minerals in the soil get washed away so it is important to keep these elements present in the soil to help your plants looking and tasting their best! Plant feed can come in two formats: liquid or slow release pellet. There are lots of different types of plant food so use our tips below to find the perfect solution for your garden.

What are the different types of plant food?

All purpose – generally used across both flowers and crops to encourage vigorous plant growth abundant and ripening of fruit.

Natural – Seaweed, Chicken manure, well rotted horse manure, fish blood and bone can all be used for improving the soil.

Tomato – higher in potassium which encourages high yields of top quality full flavoured fruits. This can also be used for peppers and aubergines.

Rose – higher in nitrogen and potassium to achieve healthy green leaves and abundant blooms.

Buxus – extended nitrogen release to ensure good establishment and strong healthy growth of buxus hedging.

Tree and Shrub – higher phosphorus and potassium to give the best possible start for trees and shrubs.

DIY – use nettles and comfry or banana peels soaked in water overnight to create your own liquid feed. Using nettles this way is also a natural insecticide.

When should you feed plants?

Prep the soil with manure or chicken pellets in the early spring, and planting areas can be sprinkled with a slow release pellet feed when planting as this will only activate in the correct conditions for the plant to absorb it.

In spring and summer as the plant develops, start off feeding every other week and then whilst they are vigorously growing, switch to weekly feeds.

If your plants are looking stressed from drought weather or root damage, wait until they’ve recovered with regular watering before you continue feeding.

Can you feed other plants with tomato feed?

You can use tomato feed for flowering plants that maybe need a little nudge – for example, if your roses aren’t showing signs of budding you can use tomato feed as this is high in nitrogen and will promote the growth of buds and blooms.

What happens if you use too much plant feed?

A word of warning, don’t overdo it! Read the instructions carefully on your chosen brand as too much liquid feed can cause root burn. Use the same amount of water as you would usually to feed each plant.

For more information speak to one of Bernavilles friendly staff members in store, who will guide you to the perfect food for your plants today!